Tom has been a taxidermist for 40 years. His interest in taxidermy started in high school because he wanted to get some things mounted but couldn't afford it, and is self taught. Tom graduated college in 1973 and was hired on with the Kansas Dept. Wildlife & Parks as a wildlife biologist and taxidermy became a second full time job. After 33 years of service he took early retirement and became a full time taxidermist in 2006. He is a master taxidermist for the Kansas Association of Taxidermists (KAT). Some of his major awards received include: Best Gamehead, Best Lifesize Mammal, Best All-around Taxidermist, Best of Category, People's Choice, McKenzie Distinguished Taxidermist, and Safari Club, and numerous ribbons. Tom's favorite things to work on are big Lifesize mounts.
Tom will be phasing out in the next year or so and will be retiring.
Clint has been doing taxidermy since his father got him started making habitat bases when he was about 10 years old. He entered his first state competition in 1994 with an albino gray squirrel. He took a second place ribbon and has been hooked ever since. Clint graduated college in 2003 and followed his father's footsteps and was hired by Kansas Dept. Wildlife & Parks as an assistant wildlife area manager full time and a taxidermist for his second full time job. He has since left the state and is now a full time taxidermist. He is also a master taxidermist for the KAT. Some of his major awards received include: Best Habitat, Most Original & Creative Presentation, McKenzie Distinguished Taxidermist, People's Choice, and several Best of Categories which include Reptiles, Gameheads, & Lifesize, and the Breakthrough Award for Judges Choice Best of Show in 2007. In 2010 he won the Richard H Schmidt award for the highest scoring mount in the state competition. Clint's favorite things to work on are Lifesize mammals mainly furbearers and birds.